Maslow Pyramid
Even though we are working on all levels of the pyramid, we will focus for the short-term in the bottom of the pyramid, working our impact upwards, based on solid results and confidence that we are fulfilling our needs in a sustainable and scalable way.

Impact areas
Enable families and caregivers to support people with disabilities
Families of people with disability (PwD) are impacted across multiple areas most of them are independent of their socio-economic situation, but some are, like access to assistive technology (AT) and communicating efficiently with their loved ones.
Access to financing for families to accessibility devices and technology through social security programs, social financing, or other means (Based on country availability)
Provide families and caregivers with accessibility devices and technology to enable them to better understand & communicate with their loved ones.
Improve the ability of PwD to communicate and increase their quality of life
Access to technological devices to use for communication.
Increase access to peers and online communities through digital means.
Improved ability to express needs and desires, reduce frustration and improve quality of life.
Better engagement and proficiency in academic or workplace environments can be achieved with AT.
Creating an enabling environment that supports the rights of PLWDs
Supporting advocacy and lobbying to create disability-friendly policies to protect PwD rights.
Generating evidence and showcasing lessons learned on how technology can enable PLWDs to fully benefit from their rights.
Empowering healthcare providers to improve service provision, maximizing outcomes.
Showcasing our Impact